Pitshipoy 2020

Berlin 2020

five part installation
For the installation Pitshipoy, Elianna Renner followed the trail of the word Pitshipoy, which originated in Yiddish folklore and describes an imaginary space. The research grapples with the different histories, translations, and interpretations of the word. During the Shoah, Pitshipoy experienced the highpoint of its popularity in the transit camp Drancy in France. There, the term described an unknown and imaginary (safe)space that filled the vacuum of hope to the gates of Auschwitz. The installation combines text, film, and audio recordings that present fragments of the research on the term. The centerpiece is the video documentation of an air performance in which a pilot makes a banner with Pitshipoy appear in the sky above Berlin

for more informations

Brochure of the exhibition fragmented narratives, Text und Interview on Pitshipoy

Fragmented Narratives

Pitshipoy I

Film / Performance

Pilot: Thomas Hennig

Airplane: Robin DR. 400-180 Regent

Banner: Höhe 6 m, Länge 25 m

Camera: Andreas Gruner, Therese Koppe, Daniel Janik

editing : Andreas Gruner

window frame: Martin Wilmes

Pitshipoy II

Sound Installation:

voices: Violaine Lochu, Helen Burstin,
Sefra Burstin, Bobby Zylberman, Elianna Renner

editing: Elianna Renner

postproduction: Jan van Hasselt

Pitshipoy III


Recherche: Elianna Renner

Scientific accompaniment: Mio Hamann

Translation yiddish-german: Mio Hamann

animation studio: Trick 47, Ulrike Isenberg

Showcase: Martin Wilmes

Pitshipoy IV


Text: Elianna Renner, Mio Hammann

Proofreading: Katharina Koch, Sylvia Sadzinski

graphic design: Carsten Kudlik

Bookbinding: Marion Bösen

Pitshipoy V


animation studio: Trick 47, Ulrike Isenberg

editing: Elianna Renner

Vasistas-Box: Martin Wilmes

Schnitt: Elianna Renner

Vasistas-box: Martin Wilmes